This is just about our lives - four cats, two kids, a musician and a preacher.

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Elizabeth's musings
Sunday, September 01, 2013  
Lila joined the Runner's Club at her school.  They run twice a week right after school.  There are two 5k runs that they have as goals - the Jingle Run in early December and the school's fundraiser Fun Run in May.  I'm so pleased that Lila enjoys exercising!  She said that she does want to drop a few pounds.  I would like to see her eat a better diet, too, but exercise is also a great place to start.

I am reticent, oh yes, rrrrrrreticent to put this in writing.  (Yes, that is a Music Man reference.  Mrs. Eulalie McKecknie Shin is also rrrrrrreticent.)  I'm thinking of training for that May run.  I definitely want to sign up, and I may just walk it.  But I've never run before.  I think I'll be close to my goal by May.  With less to jiggle, running may be a possibility.

I'm also thinking of joining the HealthPark.  I've been going with Randy on the family days.  Once the weather turns and walking in the neighborhood isn't an easy option, I'll need the HealthPark for my exercise. It might be good to get in that routine before I actually need it.

I've been scared of the scale these past few days.  Exhaustion hit like a ton of bricks.  I got my walk in on Friday, then could hardly move the rest of the day.  The tired carried over to Saturday.  Our week was emotionally draining.  When I am that tired and spent, I make poor food choices.

There were Chik Fil A sandwiches in the fridge, leftover from last week's Impact KY lunches.  I had 1/2 of one (and shared generous bites with Hobbes).  Randy bought donuts for the kids.  I had 1/4 of one.  Peanut butter is back in our pantry.  I did miss it over the summer, but I didn't miss the temptation.  My cheats weren't huge or full meals.  But I didn't feel good after eating them.

I did NOT eat any of the Chik Fil A chocolate chunk cookies that are still in our kitchen.  Lila has been enjoying them in her lunch this past week.  She has enough for lunches all this week, too.  Thinking of the cookies as Lila's helps me resist.

10:27 PM

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